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The 2024 Summer Program

The Christian Nursery School is proud to offer a Summer Program. This year's Summer Program will run three days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) for five weeks, beginning on June 25th and ending on July 25th. Each class runs from 9AM-12PM. Please note that there is no class on Tuesday, July 4, but we encourage all families to march with the Nursery School in Wantagh's Independence Day Parade. 


The cost of the program is $625.00 plus a $50.00 registration fee. If you pay in full by April 1st ($650), you will receive a $25 discount.  Each child will receive a complimentary Nursery School T-Shirt which they will receive before the program starts.


Children will be grouped according to their age.  Each group of children will have a teacher and one assistant.  Every child must be potty trained to attend the program and going into a 3-year-old program in the fall.  Registration will begin for current Nursery School students on March 1st, 2023.  If there are openings still available on March 15th, registration will be open to the public.  There is a limited number of openings so please respond as soon as possible.  If your child receives SEIT services in the classroom during the normal school year, the services must continue in order for your child to attend the Summer Program.  If you are new to the school, a medical form must be filled out.


 Christ Lutheran Church has provided this program for the past twenty years and it has been a wonderful experience for both the children and teachers. Each week has a new theme, filled with many different activities, games, crafts, sprinkler days and playground time. The children will learn new summertime songs and enjoy themselves all day long. The children will be provided snack each day. If your child has a food allergy, please contact the office. If you are interested in our Summer Program, please fill out an application and return it with a deposit of $325.00 plus the $50.00 registration fee.  The balance of $300.00 is due on May 1st.  In order to receive the paid in full discount, send in a payment of $650 by April 1st.  Please make checks out to Christ Lutheran Church.  All outstanding tuition balances must be paid in full in order to register for the Summer Program.  Any cancellations must be done by June 1st in order to receive the deposit refund.  The $50.00 registration fee is non-refundable.  REMEMBER THERE ARE LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE AND THEY FILL UP VERY QUICKLY.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call our Director, Dana Antonette, at (516) 679-8425.  


Click here to download a registration form.



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