3384 Island Road, Wantagh, NY 11793
Dana Antonette, Director
Phone: 516-679-8425
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Classroom Activities
Music and Movement is a program in which an Instructor with a Bachelor Degree in Dance guides the children through a variety of songs, playing of different instruments and dance movements. These activities enhances their general appreciation of music and dance. This program is monthly for 30-45 minutes depending on the age group.
Science is a monthly program where the children will do a science experiment from start to finish. They will make a hypothesis and carry out the experiment, usually coinciding with a monthly theme. We learn new vocabulary as well as interacting with new friends from different classes. After the experiment is done, we see if the outcome was what we hypothesized it to be. We go over the scientific method and how to make an educated guess based on the knowledge given to us.
Playground and Gymnasium
The school has a beautiful brand-new outdoor playground that is used during the months of warm weather. In the playground the children enjoy the swings, a climbing rock wall, riding bicycles as well as many more outdoor activities. The indoor gymnasium is used during inclement weather and the winter months. The children will partake in organized play such as parachute play and running through a maze. There is also free play with balls, hula hoops, and floor scooters.
In today’s day and age when you can read any book at the touch of a screen, Library time is so much more than a book to read. In our classrooms, Library is meant to instill responsibility. The student is responsible for the book they are borrowing. They learn how to treat a book as well as their responsibility to return the book on time so that another classmate can borrow it. Library is enjoyed once a week in the four-year-old classrooms.
Show and Tell
For the three-year-old classes, Show and Tell is one of their favorite activities during the week. Of course, the students bring to class their favorite item from home but Show and Tell is so much more. Show and Tell gives even the shyest child an opportunity to speak comfortably in front of the class. This activity aides in socialization, waiting patiently, listening and so much more. The older children get to formulate questions about the item as well as interact with the child presenting.